
New song: "Pedicure"

Here it is live on that summer afternoon in Socrates Sculpture Park preceding an open air screening of Mexican indie gem Duck Season.


To our listeners (or lack thereof)

As a way to ease into the bilingual phase of THE ENCHILADA AS A WHOLE, we wish to inform you of the first installment in a series of glossaries for new catch-phrases:

Entering in matter
Entrando en materia, i.e. getting to the point/ down to business.

May the Lord get us after crossing ourselves!
¡Qué el Sr. nos agarre persignados!, i.e. this doesn't look good.

Not sooo sooo, but not so so [either]
Ni muy muy, ni tan tan, i.e. just so-so.

To rain on wet
Llover sobre mojado, i.e. bad news on top of bad news.

Genders are broken on taste

En gustos se rompen géneros
, i.e. there's an audience for everything.

Making his/her little fight

Haciendo su luchita, doing what he/ she can considering the insurmountable odds (esp. in regards to a romantic pursuit).

Leaving ourselves with yours (Quédamos de uds.),



Our newly minted Saint!

As a follow-up to last week's
show here's a newly surfaced prayer to that most Mexican of YouTube phenoms: Mr. Guillermo López Langarica, aka La CANACA.

Long live the patron of viral videos!

Mexican news bit